If you manage remote workers, you probably trust them for the most part. But every now and then you may have suspicions that a certain employee is not working the hours contracted . You can’t see them sitting at their desk, so it can be tough to know for sure.
As it turns out, there are some ways to ensure your employees are working when they should be. A workflow tracker is one such way. It may be that you presented it as a ‘management tool’ instead of as a way to boost your team’s efficiency. A suggestion is that you introduce some of the less formal ‘trackers’ below to make sure your employees are working, without pushing any buttons or invading their privacy.
Set measurable goals. On sure way to ensure that your employees are meeting their goals is to actually set some up for them.
Track their productivity. Look to see if emails and status updates are consistently being given by your workers. That can help you determine if your workers are working on an hourly basis.
Schedule check-ins. To avoid a Big Brother-esque feel, be upfront about wanting to know what your employees are working on by scheduling check-ins.
Speak with other employees. Schedule a meeting—with your other workers – and ask questions to find out if everyone is working well together, and if they feel that everyone is pulling their virtual weight. That way you can figure out if your employees are working without invading their privacy.
Try tools. In a remote work environment, collaboration tools are often used to help keep everyone working together cohesively. Here are some tools that can help you track an employee’s productivity:
· Time Doctor
· Trello
· Asana
· Todoist