Many companies are going fully transparent with their internal communications and policies in response to the virus. Staff are scared and unsure of what is going on and how it may impact their jobs. Every workplace setting today should be discussing their policies and directives, step by step, with their employees. If you do not have a Crisis Communication Policy in place, consider your communication to everyone working on site or remotely, as to how you intend to respond. A clear plan of action is required in in the workplace, to deal with this pandemic.
It is important to provide clear guidance to employees about at-work expectations over the next few months. The first place to look, when you are considering a variation of an employee’s role, is their IEA. At best, it should allow some flexibility to the position; at worst there might be strict compliance to the ‘letter of the job description.’ Before you implement any changes to the terms and conditions of employment, be aware of the Agreements in place, unions, and other agencies you need to consider (eg. Worksafe.)
Should you not have a policy in place to deal with variable hours and roles, or need to communicate your operational requirements, whilst considering your staff’s circumstances, consider getting a consultant to guide you through these uncharted waters.