There are 15 000 registered dogs in Tauranga.
If you have owned, currently own, may own in the future - or just know! - a good dog, please consider signing up on my petition to change the way dogs are impounded by Tauranga City Council.
Currently, if your dog is impounded and is going to stay there for some time, the conditions are far from satisfactory. Long term 'custody' dogs being prosecuted for a dog 'attack' live in a small concrete cell,no natural light, no bed, no toys, and most importantly - no exercise.
It doesn't have to be this way. I understand rate payers of those 15 000 registered dogs don't want to have to pay for a doggie-hotel. But the Council could sub-contract or certify acceptable 'custody' options that won't cost rate payers but will allow impounded dogs to have adequate exercise and feel real grass under their feet. A win-win for the rate payers, owners and most importantly, man's best friend.